Máster universitario en genómica y genética

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela y Universidade de Vigo

  • NOMBRE: Josep
  • APELLIDOS: Rotllant Moragas
  • INSTITUCIÓN/CENTRO/DEPARTAMENTO: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas/ Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas/Biotecnología y Acuicultura

I’m currently, a Research Scientist (Investigador Científico, A2) at CSIC. Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (1995). Masters in Biochemistry, UAB (1998). PhD in Biology, UAB (19/01/2000). Among the awarded fellowships, the most relevant are: Catalonian Government PhD fellowship (1997), Science and Technology Foundation Fellowship (FCT, Portugal) (2000-2004), Fulbright-MECD fellowship (2004-2005), Marie Curie OIF fellowship (2005-2007) and Ramon y Cajal contract (MEC, Spain) (2007-2010). I have also held non-tenured positions at the University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands), University of Crete (Greece), University of Algarve (Portugal), University of Pennsylvania, Oregon and Maryland (USA). I have participated in 30 research projects, being principal investigator in 18 of them, highlighting projects also in collaboration with private sector companies (CDTI-IDI-20210907). As a result of my research activity, more than 100 articles have been published in national and international journals and books. Most of the results obtained have been published in international journals of high impact index within the thematic area of my research. Of which it is worth mentioning, SCI DATA 10.1038/s41597-023-02111-4; FASEB J. 10.1096/fj.201600815R; PCMR. 28(2):196-209; BBA 1791(11):1093-101; MATRIX BIOLOGY 27(6): 561-572; PNAS 103(8):2713-2718; FEBS Letters 9;580(1):291-299 and JBMR 20(4):682-92 among others. I have more than 25 years of teaching experience (undergraduate, courses and PhD programs) in different institutions, both national and international. I have also held different R&D management positions in national and international public research organizations. Among which we can highlight: director and founder of the Scientific-Technical Service of Functional Genomics in Fish of IIM-CSIC (http://FishBioTech.csic.es), director of the Animal Welfare Body (OEBA) of IIM-CSIC, head of the Biotechnology and Aquaculture Department IIM-CSIC, head of the Aquatic Biotechnology Group of IIM-CSIC among other positions.

The fundamental scientific objective of my research line is to apply molecular and cellular approaches to basic studies of fish early development and disease as well as the application of basic science to improve yields, performance and sustainability of global marine aquaculture. My research focuses on understanding how the information encoded in the DNA is accurately used by cells to perform the physiological functions that are required during the different phases of the development. The disruption or break down of these regulatory mechanisms is responsible of many developmental abnormalities such as morphological deformities. My goal is to unveil the functioning of some of these mechanisms, which, in turn, will help us understand the cause of the associated abnormalities. I use turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), zebrafish (Danio rerio) and common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) as a model systems. My most recent work relates to the effects of different biotic and abiotic factors as modulators of development, metabolism and genomic stability. The experimental approach integrates several novel techniques including whole animal physiological studies, genome-wide association studies, hologenomics, epigenetics, chromatin accessibility, transcriptomics, metagenomics and recombinant DNA technology. Therefore, my scientific objective seeks to transfer knowledge, technology and information about fields in which significant investments are being made in basic research (“omic” technologies), enabling their cost-effective use in applied research.

Grupo de investigación:

NOMBRE: Biotecnología Acuática (AcuaBioTec Lab)

WEB: http://acuabiotec.csic.es http://FishBioTech.csic.es

Links a información de interés:

ORCID: 0000-0001-5331-807X

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